[Loch-soilleir] A returning old friend...oldtimer alert

Darlene Vandever annescvb at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 15:47:13 PDT 2009

Dear Michael,

First, my condolances on the passing of your Mother. I know this is a sad
time for you and I feel sorry for it. Now is when you need the outreach of
old friends and I am glad to help you find them as best as I can.

You might check out the Stargate website http://stargate.ansteorra.org/ to
see if you recognize any of the people listed. The Loch's website is
 http://loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org/  Gatesedge website is
http://gates-edge.ansteorra.org/  and the Raven's Fort website is

I've crossposted your request to the Stargate, Loch Sollier and Gatesedge
lists in case someone you knew could contact you privately. It has been a
long time, old friend, I would welcome a chat. My cell is 281-413-6194.

Michael's missive to me is appended below.
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, It is by the beans of Java
that thoughts acquire speed. The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes
a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 3:56 PM, <jaybird74745 at aol.com> wrote:

>  I will be in Houston for a  short time starting Monday due to the passing
> of my mother early this morning. would really like to talk to you and some
> other SCAers, but I don't know addresses or phones after such a long
> absence. Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.                               Michael of the
> Loch                                                                                                     {mka
> Mike
> Bond
> 713-733-1653}
> ------------------------------
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