[Loch-soilleir] Loch shows well at Bordermarch

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Tue May 12 15:18:57 PDT 2009

  This weekend, several members of our fine Barony traveled east to our
celebrate the choosing of new champions for Barony Bordermarch.  Our own
Graf Gaelyn Edwin Kirchenbauer won the Chivalric Tournament and Don Brian
MacCael, a close friend of Loch Soilleir, won the Rapier Tournament.  Lord
Caelan MacRob, our deputy Treasurer, was also in the finals with Don Brian.
Loch Soilleir was well represented in the A&S Competition as Lord Madog and
myself made up two-thirds of the entries, but Lord Nikolai from Bordermarch
was named Champion.
  Loch Soilleir showed well this weekend and Their Excellencies Santiago and
Elizabeth seemed quite pleased at the turn out from the Loch.
  Vivat Loch Soilleir!


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