[Loch-soilleir] January Serpent's Tale (Please Resubscribe!)

Loch Chronicler loch.chronicler at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 10:53:07 PST 2010

This is the last Serpent's Tale that will be emailed using the Loch Mailing
List. If you wish to continue getting the Serpent's Tale, please email the
Chronicler at loch.chronicler at gmail.com to subscribe!
*The Serpent's Tale*

January 2010

This is my final issue as your Chronicler and as publisher of The Serpent's
Tale. The February newsletter will be done by your shiny new Chronicler,

I received VERY LITTLE response from the previous missive with regards to
rebuilding the subscription list. If you wish to get a copy of the Serpent's
Tale, you will need to SEND AN EMAIL to Loch.Chronicler at gmail.com letting me
know – again – that you've subscribed. (If you're getting this
hand-delivered to your email box already, feel free to not subscribe again,
since you have already done so!)

The February issue, while emailed like always, will NOT be published through
the main Loch Soilleir mailing list.

Your patience is overwhelmingly appreciated,

Anne (exit, stage left)


Unto Our most Noble Populace, We, William and Katya, send Our Greetings!

This is to confirm Our Announcement at Loch Yule that We have talked to
Their Majesties Ansteorra and They have given Their assent to allow Us to
retire as Baron and Baroness of Loch Soilleir. Due to Their Majesties'
schedule, We will be stepping down at the April Co-Baronial Championships,

We would like to thank You, Our Populace, for the years of pleasure We have
had as Your Baron and Baroness.

William and Katya.


-January 19, 2010: The Candidates will announce to populace their intent to
run for Loch Soilleir Baron/Baroness at January Loch Soilleir Populace

-January 19, 2010 midnight by email to Crown and Heirs: Candidates Letter of
Intent are due. This is the deadline to declare Baronial candidate status—no
new entrants are allowed after this date.

Letters of intent should minimumly address the following items:

1. Where do you see the Barony in 5 years?

2. What is your mission statement for your time as Baron and Baroness?

3. What five things will you do to promote your vision?

4. What five things will you do to promote unity within the Barony?

5. If you do not become Baron or Baroness, how will you support the
candidates that are chosen?

-January 24, 2010 by midnight: Candidates should send by email a brief,
single-page candidate letter with full contact information for publishing in
Loch Soilleir Newsletter and posted to Baronial website to Baronial
Chronicler and Regional Seneschal. This brief will be included with polling
information in February Newsletter and online. This newsletter must be
available by 02/09/2010.

-February 16, 2010: At Loch Soilleir's February Populace meeting, Polling of
Baronial Candidates occurs during the regular populace meeting, beginning at
7:30. Short (less than 5 minute) addresses to the populace may be allowed,
by warrant of Loch Soilleir Tradition. The Coastal Region Seneschal will be
there to conduct the polling.

-February/March 2010: At the direction of Their Majesties, Baronial
candidates to meet one-on-one with the Crown.

-February 28, 2010: All email with commentary about the Baronial candidates
is due to the Crown.

If you have any questions on the polling process or timeline, please contact
the Coastal Region Seneschal, HL Cristyana Lambrecht at
coastal at seneschal.ansteorra.org or 713-816-6387.


Greetings Everyone,

I'd like to take a moment and let you all know we have two new officers in
our group. Drake is now our Knight Marshal, taking over from Wissa as she
has to go to Russia. Also, Mari will be our new seneschal as of January
Round Table. Her first official meeting will be February. Her email is
mdjurgens at hotmail.com . Drake's email is drakedunnivan at yahoo.com .

It has been an honor for me to serve our barony with all of you. You've been
an awesome crew to work with and I know Mari will get good mileage out of
each of you ;-) .

In Service,

HL Hedwig, seneschal...out going


Guild meetings are still occurring on their normal schedule, with Brewing
(usually) the Friday after populace, Scribal on the 4th monday of every
month, and UFO's and Fiber Arts on the 1st and 3rd mondays. For more
information about any particular guild, you can look on the website at
http://loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org/ or contact the Hospitaller at
hello.loch at gmail.com.


Please remember to send another email to remind the hapless idiot of a
chronicler that you have subscribed – that address is
Loch.Chronicler at gmail.com.


It has been a pleasure to serve as your Chronicler for the last 2 years (and
a little extra). I've had a lot of fun, and you've been extremely patient as
I learned the ropes, got some crazy new ideas, and took the Serpent's Tale
from a traditional to a digital publication. I will continue to serve the
Loch as your Virtual Scribe for the near future, and I look forward to the
new Serpents Tale that will continue under the guiding hand of Onora and our
new officers.

Thank you all!
Yours in service (one last time, from here),


Anne atte Rydeforde
Loch Soilleir Chronicler

Feudalism.... it's your Count that votes!

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