[Loch-soilleir] Populace Minutes - 6/6/2017 & 7/6/2017

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Fri Jul 7 19:51:22 PDT 2017

Minutes from June & July Populace Meetings

Barony of Loch Soilleir Populace Agenda


Come to Order

General Introduction

Nobility’s Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)

Officer Reports


   Exchequer (HL Maggie)

Between the 2 events with Stargate, we made about $1000.00.  For reference,
our storage units costs about $950 annually.

If you have baronial property, please do an inventory.

If you want money, try fundraising and ask the Barony to match raised funds.



Alan Wemyss will take over as Herald as of AHSS (June 17)


   Hospitaler (Lord Marcus)

Hospitaler is OPEN for apps.  We’ve had a couple of new contacts.


   Webminister (Lord Yuuki)

Webmin is OPEN for app.  We had 5 new hits on the website the past month.


   Chronicler (HL Bia)

Looking to revamp Guilds and the schedule in the newsletter



      Armored (Sir Oliver)

We fight.  Ollie is looking for a deputy.


   Rapier (Lord Diego - Acting)

We fight when possible. Looking to permanently appoint a marshal.


   Missile (Lord Marcus)

Practices rained out.  Exploring new venues in Pearland and Houston.


   MoAS (HL Bia, Acting)

We have an applicant for this office!


   Scribal Guild (Baroness Katya)



   Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag)

Starting back up over the summer


   Middle Eastern Dance Guild (HL Bia)

Working to find a venue


   European Dance Nights (Baroness Katya)

Stay tuned!


   Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey)

Looking at Sundays after archery.  Loaner looms available.


   A&S Nights (Lord Marcus)

Trying to pick back up over summer.


   Coastal Musicians (HL Bia)

Will meet with Stargate bardic on June 19 at Master Alden Drake’s house.


   Brewer’s Guild (Centurion Madog)

Back by popular demand!  First meeting Friday, June 23.


   Ansteorran Lace Guild (Mistress Delphina)

Meeting July 1st


   Westside Spinners & Weavers (HL Bia)

Starting card weaving a couple of weeks


   Seneschal (Master Brian)

      Populace will be held on July 6 next month to avoid conflict with the
      4th of July.  Location to be announced.

Event Report


   Event Stewards Report & Thanks (Master Brian & HL Lady Elena)

Event was great.  Thanks to everyone who helped out & served.  We really
showed well!


   Exchequer’s Financial Report

We made about $475, after the split with Stargate.

Upcoming Baronial Events


   Update on Fall event (Baroness Hennessy)

We are getting Shadowlands date for November 3-5.  We are NOT using the
September event date.

Hoping to use the church used for Loch Yule 2016.

We would like to have a Baronial Collegium style event

We will choose A&S and Bardic Champions.

If interested in stewarding, contact the Seneschal and Nobility.


   Loch Yule

Looking at December 16 or 17th for the date.

We can use the Santa Fe Building again as renovations are complete.

If interested in stewarding, contact the Seneschal and Nobility.

Event Calendar


   Crown Tournament on July 8 in Abilene, Texas.  Armored tournament to
   determine next Crown.  There is usually a Chivalry Circle as well.

   Round Table on July 15 in Madisonville, Texas. Collegium with classes on
   all the various offices in the Kingdom.

   Pennsic on July 28-August 13 in Slippery Rock, PA.  Huge war with
   fighting and classes galore!

   Stargate Summer Revel is August 19 at Bear Creek Park,  9:30am-3:30 pm.
   More info to come!

   Shadowlands does a demo on Labor Day weekend for the TAMU Open House.
   Help out our friends!

Nobility’s Closing Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey


   Baronial Pavilion

Updates on painting days


   Summer Revel date selection

Kill-n-Grill revel in the park to attract newcomers.

Sometime in July, after the 8th.  Probably on a Saturday or Sunday evening.


   Baronial Guard discussion (upcoming Bryn Gwlad event)

Multifield representatives for the Barony.  Show off how great we are.

Newcomers Intro

Adjourn (8:30 - hopefully - actually about 8:50; Not too bad for so many

Barony of Loch Soilleir Populace Agenda (2016-07-06)

Come to Order

Nobility’s Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)

Officer Reports


   Exchequer (HL Maggie) - seeking deputy

When budgeting for items, keep things general.  If you say you are buying
red cups, you cannot get blue cups.  So just say you are getting cups.
Also, when budgeting for events, ask for historical data.  We have things
we never spend on and things we typically go over budget on.


   Herald (Alan)

Welcome our new herald!  Alan got warranted at AHSS & is already accepting


   Chronicler (HL Bia)

Newsletter will now be out every 15th, which means it is after populace
each month.


   Hospitaler (Lord Marcus) - Open for apps

Possible interview with the Houston Press coming up!


   Webminister (Lord Yuuki) - seeking deputy to take over


      Armored (Sir Oliver)

Has deputies, could use more.


   Rapier (Lord Diego)

Come to practice.  It’s fun.


   Missile (Lord Marcus)

Practices have moved to Saturday mornings at 8:30 am to beat the heat.


   MoAS (Andrea - Incoming)

      Scribal Guild (Baroness Katya)

Every 2nd Monday (except for Pennsic)


   Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag)

Starting classes the last week in July


   Middle Eastern Dance Guild (HL Bia)

Looking for a Location


   European Dance Nights (Baroness Katya)

Stay tuned for more info


   Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey)

Weaving the 2nd & 4th Sunday afternoons in August


   A&S Nights (Lord Marcus)

Stay tuned


   Coastal Musicians (HL Bia)

On hold due to lack of interest. Joining up with Stargate’s Bardic Guild.


   Brewer’s Guild (Centurion Madog)

We had brewer’s on June 23.  It was great!  Looking at future dates.


   Ansteorran Lace Guild

Next meeting is August 5th.


   Seneschal (Master Brian)

The Financial Committee is reviewing an event bid guideline to help people
budget for events.  If you’d like to see it, contact the Seneschal.

Thanks to everyone who stepped up into new offices!

Come to Round TAble for more officer goodness!

Upcoming Baronial Events


   Update on Fall event (Serpent’s Symposium)

      November 4th 2017 is the date!  It’s official!

      Stewards: Multiple parties have expressed interest.  Bids are due
      July 31.

      Clear Lake area church is available, but not yet reserved.

      Bardic & A&S Champions chosen & we are hoping to a collegium style

   Loch Yule

      Date: December 16 or 17

      Site: Duchess Cateau is graciously looking into the Santa Fe site


   Summer Revel

   August 6th at Bay Area Park in Pasadena.  Hopefully we’ll attract

Event Calendar


   Crown Tournament on July 8 in Abilene, Texas.  Armored tournament to
   determine next Crown.  There is a Chivalry Circle.  Centurion Sarran from
   up north is getting knighted.

   Round Table on July 15 in Madisonville, Texas. Collegium with classes on
   all the various offices in the Kingdom.

   Pennsic on July 28-August 13 in Slippery Rock, PA.  Huge war with
   fighting and classes galore!

   Stargate Summer Revel is August 19 at Bear Creek Park,  9:30am-3:30 pm.
   More info to come!

   Glasyn’s Artisan of the Flame is August 26 in Denton, Texas.  Annual
   event where the Canton chooses its A&S Champion.  There is a Pelican Circle

   Shadowlands does a demo on Labor Day weekend for the TAMU Open House.
   Help out our friends!

   Braggart’s War hosted by the Barony of Bonwicke in Bridgeport, TX on
   September 1-3.  Steppes vs. Elfsea vs. Bonwicke with meless, tourneys,
   target archery, and A&S.  There is a White Scarf Circle.  Graffin Amelot
   from Elfsea is getting made a Pelican.

   Laurel’s Prize Tourney is September 9th.  It is a great event for
   artisans to show a variety of works and get feedback.  There is usually a
   Laurel Circle. Brian is sitting vigil & being elevated to the Pelican.

Nobility’s Closing Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey


   Baronial Pavilion

      We have a space to paint it & make hardware, but are ironing out
      dates.  Stay tuned.


   Baronial Guard discussion - Discussion ongoing.


In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam, OL, WSA
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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