[Loch-soilleir] Brewer's Guild 7/21

Matt Gilson madogofglastonbury at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 11 17:18:36 PDT 2017

Greetings, Loch.  I will be hosting Brewer’s Guild again next Friday, 7/21.  I plan to do a BIAB (Brew In A Bag) Kolsch beer, and maybe a small varietal honey mead.  The fig mead will also need racking.

If you’re interested in learning about BIAB beer brewing, it’s a way to do all-grain brewing with a minimum of additional equipment.  Come on out and learn!

Details to follow.  RSVP via email if you’re interested in doing ab atch, so I can make sure we have the equipment (and burner space) available).


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