[Loch-soilleir] Brewer's Guild postponed

Matt Gilson madogofglastonbury at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 19 18:53:35 PDT 2017

Due to circumstances, Brewer’s Guild will not be happening this Friday.  I will reschedule it 2 Fridays hence, Aug. 4.  The plan is the same; I’ll be doing a Brew-In-A-Bag beer (Kolsch); if others want to work on batches let me know so I can make sure the burner space is available.  Please RSVP if you’ll be coming so I put out enough chairs.

Be warned – we have a foster dog in addition to our 3 right now.  They’ll be penned in another room, but if a house full of dogs doesn’t suit your allergies, I apologize in advance.


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