[Loch-soilleir] January 2018 Populace Notes

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Thu Jan 11 13:36:50 PST 2018

This is as I remember it.  Any errors are my own & unintentional.

Barony of Loch Soilleir Populace Agenda (2018-01-09)

Come to Order

Nobility’s Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)

Officer Reports

Exchequer (HL Maggie) - End of Year is done

Herald (Alan) - Submit Heraldry

Chronicler (HL Bia) - Submit content

Hospitaler (Lady Constantia): -HMNS Demo on Jan. 27 with the equestrians.
Alexis is running it.  Contact HE Henessey if you are interested in
participating. -BrazCon Demo Feb. 3

Webminister (HL Elena) - Submit content!!!!!!!


- Armored (Sir Oliver): Practice on Tuesday at Centennial Park at 7 &
Thursday practice - watch FB

- Rapier (Lord Diego): Tuesdays at Centennial Park in Pearland & Wednesdays
at Walter Hall Park in League City. Both at 7.

-Missile: Apply if interested.

MoAS (Lady Margarita):

- Scribal Guild (Baroness Katya) - Nothing right now. -

- Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag) - Blacksmithing demo & classes in
February near central Texas.  Not SCA.

- Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey) - Sundays….stay tuned for exact

- Westside Weavers (HL Bia) - Watch Facebook

- Brewers (Centurion Madog) - Watch email list

Seneschal (Master Brian)

- Officers: Get reports in by the 6th of the month.

- April event Stargate.  We do feast!  Need feast steward.

- May Co-Baronials - Rhi is steward.  Many hands make light work.

Old Business - Thanks to Lady Katheryne for hosting Yule!

Upcoming Baronial Events

- Register for Gulf Wars.  Camping with Coastal!  Send tent dimensions to
HE Brenna of Stargate

- April Event with SG: HL Cearra is steward & is looking for a site. Loch
runs feast, so please volunteer. No champions chosen have fun & help out!

-Co-Baronial: Our turn to host the champions portion. Mistress Rhiannon
verch Bryan will steward. Site in Winnie.

Event Calendar

- Crown Tourney in Ardmore, OK January 13.  New heirs.  Chivalry Circle.

- Round Table in Denton, TX on  January 20.  Meetings & classes for
officers.  No fee, no garb.

- February 3rd - BrazCon Demo.

- Kingdom A&S on February 10th hosted by Bonwicke in Abilene, Texas.  Huge
A&S competition and Kingdom Artisan selected.  Premier Bard also selected.
Laurel Circle.

Nobility’s Closing Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey

Gulf Wars!

- Pre-reg is open.  Mail is due by Jan. 31.  Online due by Feb. 14.
Remember camping with Coastal as Loch, Stargate,and Seawinds are joining
forces to make an awesome camp!)

- HE Brenna of SG is coordinating land.  Get tent dimensions & date of
arrival to her.

- There will be a food group.  Stay tuned for more info!


In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam, OL, OP, WSA
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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