[Loch-soilleir] Populace: LOCATION CHANGE (3/6/18)

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Mon Mar 5 10:09:07 PST 2018

Greetings All!

Populace is tomorrow, Tuesday March 6.  Unfortunately, our regular populace
location will be unavailable due to voting.  However, the show must go on!
We will still be having this last populace before Gulf Wars.

New location is MOD Pizza Clear Lake at 3351 Clear Lake City Blvd #1000,
Houston, TX 77059.  We will be taking over tables like last time, so order
and head towards the back.

We will discuss War and our two upcoming events with Stargate, among other

In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam, OL, OP, WSA
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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