[Loch-soilleir] Populace Notes - 2018-03-06

Seneschal of Loch Soilleir seneschal at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Sat Mar 10 12:43:24 PST 2018

 Barony of Loch Soilleir Populace Agenda (2018-03-06)
Come to Order
Nobility’s Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey (Welcoming, etc.)
Officer Reports

   - Exchequer (HL Maggie) - Kite is deputy. Everything fine.
   - Herald (Alan) - submit stuff!
   - Chronicler (HL Bia) - Get newsletter submissions in by the 15th
   - Hospitaler (Lady Constantia) - possible demo at Dawson HS in Pearland.
   TAMUG demo on April 5th at 2 pm
   - Webminister (HL Elena) - submit content
   - Marshals
   - Armored (Sir Oliver) - Practice on Tuesday at Centennial Park at 7.
   Occasional Thursday practice - watch FB
   - Rapier (Don Diego) - Tuesdays at Centennial Park in Pearland and
   Wednesdays at Walter Hall Park in League City. Both at 7. Come out & play!
   - Missile - Apply if interested.
   - MoAS (Lady Margarita)
   - Armoring/Smithing Guild (Master Krag) - “Balcksmithing”
   - Fiber Arts Guild (Baroness Hennessey) - Box loom weaving. Some loaners
   - Westside Weavers (HL Bia) - Will be spinning. Possibly moving to
   - Brewers (Centurion Madog) - Watch list
   - Lace Guild (Mistress Delphina) - 4/7, 5/12, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4, 9/1, 10/6,
   11/3, 12/8 in Pasadena

Seneschal (Master Brian) - Officers: Get reports in by the 6th of the
month. Thanks to Katya for agreeing to do feast at the April event. May
Co-Baronials - Rhi is steward. Many hands make light work.
Upcoming Baronial Events

   - Don’t forget to sign up for kitchen chores & pay HE Hennessey for the
   meal plan
   - April Event with SG
   - HL Cearra is steward
   - Equestrian Champion chosen!
   - Loch runs feast - HE Katya
   - Co-Baronial
   - Our turn to host the champions portion.
   - Mistress Rhiannon verch Bryan will steward
   - Site in Winnie
   - Thanks to Lady Karen for agreeing to be Gate Coordinator

Event Calendar

   - March 10-18 - Gulf Wars in Lumberton, MS
   - March 31 - Commander’s Crucible. Centurion Circle. Melees & bardic
   - April 14th - Coronation in Ardmore, OK. Big court event. New Crown
   installed. King’s Champion chosen in armored combat tourney.
   - April 21st - Shakespeare in the Park with Stargate
   - May 5th - Co-Baronials in Winnie, TX
   - May 12th - Queens Champion in Wichita Falls, TX. Major rapier event,
   usually with a WS and/or Defense Circle

Nobility’s Closing Words - Their Excellencies Krag & Hennessey

In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam, OL, OP, WSA
Seneschal of Loch Soilleir

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