[Loch-soilleir] Scribes - Houston Calligraphy Guild activity on Italic, Nov 9th

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 4 10:24:47 PST 2019

Scribes of the Houston/Clear Lake and friends area, The Houston Calligraphy Guild (HCG is modern, not SCA) is reviewing the lettering hand 'Italic'  this Saturday, November 9th from 9am to 12pm. Italic is a great calligraphy script that falls within the SCA time period. 
If you wish to come check out the HCG guild and take the activity as a guest first-timer, please contact me and I'll send the location details and supply list you will need to bring.  
The SCA is a great place to learn art skill sets, but also check out modern art guilds and societies to continue your knowledge base.   
Cheers, Hillary Greenslade, OPStargate Scribes Guild

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