[Loch-soilleir] Incoming Nobility

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Thu Dec 29 13:05:27 PST 2022


For those who have not seen the Kingdom or Baronial Facebook pages, Elena &
I and I have been announced as the incoming Baron and Baroness of Loch
Soilleir. We are both very excited to be able to step into this role and
continue to help the Barony grow.
We would like to encourage anyone and everyone who is able to join us at
Coronation in the Barony of Bjornsborg (January 14th), where we will
celebrate the tenure of Their Serpentine Excellencies, Krag and Henessey,
as well as our investiture as seventh Baron and Baroness of Loch Soilleir.
We have had an outpouring of support, and appreciate everyone who has
offered help as we step into this new role. Rest assured, we will be taking
you up on those offers in the months and years to come!

Yours in Service
Brian & Elena

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