[Loch-soilleir] March Populace Notes

Baroness of Loch Soilleir baroness at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Thu Mar 21 11:01:19 PDT 2024

Notes from Populace:

·        We are always looking for Demo/recruitment opportunities, please
send ideas to Their Excellencies and Armiger Lif!

·        We are looking for ideas and suggestions for future Serpentine
Shenanigans: Board Game Days, movies, etc. Send us your ideas! You are also
welcome and encouraged to organize future Shenanigans.

·        April 2nd – Mistress Emily will be teaching spinning at our A&S
Night at Saloon Door Brewing!

·        There are discussions about starting up Bardic Nights/Bardic Guild
– we are soliciting ideas for a (preferably indoor) location. Current plans
are once a month – sharing pieces, perhaps some friendly bardic challenges,

·        Weaving is also starting to infect the populace of both Loch and
Stargate! We are looking at meeting once a month, starting in May at West
Pearland Library and then rotating locations with Stargate. I will put out
a poll soon to figure out the best day/time.

Gulf Wars:

·        Katya and Brenna were fantastic land stewards – they put in a LOT
of hard work and everything went super well!

·        Thanks again to William, Lessa, and Hennessey for managing the
Kitchen/Meal Plan!

·        Warientation went well this year – if you have suggestions for
next year, let us know!

·        If you have ANY suggestions for camp next year – send them our
way! We are always looking for ways to improve the whole Gulf Wars
Experience for our populace.

Coastal Region
Their Highnesses are soliciting feedback on breaking out the Coastal Region
from the South. If you have any thoughts, please send them to Their
Excellencies ASAP.
Concerns we have to ask about:

·        filling regional roles short- and long-term

·        not getting support from current regional staff that are located
in the South

·        General travel issues from each half of the current region

·        Administrative burden – South is MUCH as relates to # of groups

·        The struggles in getting warranted/having warranting marshals in
most marshalate activities


Loch Guardian: Lysts by the Loch

Hennessey and Dietrich are event stewards – they are working on the event ad

GATE – we do need a gate coordinator. You do not have to sit gate all
weekend, but you do need to coordinate workers. WE anticipate being open a
few hours Friday night, and 8a-2p on Saturday.

This event will hold Baronial Championships for: Chivalric, Rapier,
Equestrian, Archery, and Thrown Weapons. Stargate will also be choosing
their Equestrian Champion at this event.
The event is 3-days, with the bulk of activities on May 4th.

There could, perhaps, be lightsaber shenanigans that evening.

We are interested in hosting a feast at this event – if you are interested
in preparing a feast on a primitive site, please let us know!

Loch’s Serpent Service Symposium

Event Coordinator: Paniko of Loch Soilleir

Class Coordinator: Robin Elwood

GATE – we do need a gate coordinator. You do not have to sit gate all day,
but you do need to coordinate workers. WE anticipate being open 8a-2p on

This event will hold Baronial Championships for Arts & Sciences and Bardic.

This collegium event will host classes focused on Service in the SCA! We
plan to start advertising early so we can get a great schedule of classes!

We are interested in hosting a lunch/sideboard – if you are interested in
helping with this, please let us know!
Elena Wyth, OL
Baroness of Loch Soilleir

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