Concerned for Namron

Kimberlee Friend ladyedeirdre at
Sun Dec 31 13:51:13 PST 2000

>Surprisingly enough, I tend to agree with Lady Meraud.  We are being held 
>back and dragged down by a certain group.  And I do agree that it is 
>imperative that the Crown and our Kingdom Seneschal be aware of what 
>transpires in this once proud Barony, as I am sure that they are given the 
>repercussions of recent events.
>I would voice a note of caution though.  Take care to look hard at who is 
>actually doing harm and who you would have admonished.  The future of this 
>Barony and this Region are too important to be easily cast aside for petty 
>gains and perceived power.
>In the end we must question our true goals and deeds.  Are you prepared to 
>answer truthfully?
>I certainly am...
>Ivar Burlufo'tr

I agree that the Barony is "being held back and dragged down" but not by any 
'one' group or individual.  There are many persons within our Barony , for 
one reason or another cannot 'play nice' with one another anymore.  Namron 
'was' once a proud Barony, and our members have accomplished many great 
things for both Barony and the Kingdom.

I would like to see Namron reclaim it's past glory and to be a Barony that 
others talk about in a positive light, not "Did you hear what Namron has 
done now?" or "Do you believe what so and so did?" There is no one group 
that is better that the other, no one person who deserves this award or 
honor over the next.  We are a group, and at one time not so long ago, we 
were a family.  What went so terribly wrong?

What has been done with Northern Regional is done and no one can change 
that, we can however choose to go beyond the finger pointing and the 
accusations.  I know we are all adults, I think it's high time that we 'all' 
start acting like adults.

Write the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal tell them how you feel, what you see 
going on.  But most important of all, 'talk' to one another. If you have a 
problem with someone or how something has been handled 'talk to' that 
person, not 'about' that person.

In Service to the Dream
Lady Deirdre ni'Raghialligh
Member   Heart of the Sable Storm
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