[Namron] olive branch

isabeaux de narbonne the_one_and_only_wicachu at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 30 17:56:35 PDT 2004

 Over the past year, a goodly number of folks in the barony have asked me ( several... ok make that many times)  to teach them various things about garb making. I'm either busy or out of town it seems. Have been for months. And I'm very sorry it has taken this long to get around to this. For those of you who have yet to give up on me and are still interested, here is an olive branch:        
 I'll be at 25th year, and I'm more than willing to set aside a chunk of time to teach whatever  I can, in an informal  "stitchnbi##h" or "makentake" manner.   Exactly when I dont know yet as the event seems to be chock full of things to do.  Some things would be good to teach to a small group, as ideas sometimes flow better with more minds involved, so check around to see who wants to learn what, and I'll  plan accordingly. 
 Topics that have come up often are " period" t tunics, the bliaut, corsets, Sansabra bodices, basic garb design, "nice looking" first garb and fitting techniques. I've already been tagged to help a lady from Trimaris fit a bodice, anyone else need help?? 
I would like to know what people want to learn beforehand so I can bring examples, works in progress, research etc. I'd like to have a list of folks and topics by Beltane so I can plan.  Let me know what youre interested in and if I can help you, I will. Or I'll find you someone who can!  
Disclaimer: I'm no Laurel!  I just like making cool things to wear. There are a GREAT number of things I wont be able to help you with.  I am however, a good problem solver when it comes to making clothes that fit the time frame,  the personality AND the body.  Again I apologize for the long delay! 

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