[Namron] Re: Pie ... how about period cheesecake?

sjonna sjonna at cox.net
Mon Aug 9 00:06:52 PDT 2004

Greetings All!

I know everyone seems very excited about pie but how about period
cheesecake?  When I was in Cambridge recently I ate at a Tapas Bar called
Dali's and they served a 15th century recipe for cheesecake which had a
tomato garnish (since at that time tomatoes were newly discovered and no one
was sure if tomatoes were to be treated as fruit or vegetable).  It was very
good -- the cheesecake was much more crumbly and cheese-like than the New
York style we are used to.  I would love to find the recipe or similar
recipe if anyone knows of one.  The restaurant wouldn't give up the
recipe -- it is documented in Spain but is a family secret.

Now on to other cheesecake ...
Our twin little girls (Emma and Abbie) were born on June 3 and are doing
wonderfully!  They are pure joy to us and Alec is a very proud big brother!
If you want to see some picts go to:

Hope to see you all in the near future ... hope to have time for scroll
painting and belly dancing again too!

Lady Bianca Sereni
mka Sjonna and Lance

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