[Namron] Brewing

Rostislav rostislav at cox.net
Sun Jan 4 10:05:24 PST 2004

To the experienced brewers in the barony I ask this question before I start my first batch,

I found the new brew shop in Norman by accident and had some money to burn. It is next to the Red Horse Cafe on West Main.

Does fermenting honey smell? How Bad? I don't want to have to throw away clothing or tear out carpet if I can avoid it. 
If you have an overly excited ferment and it blows out through the airlock are we talking simply overflow down the sides of the jug or energetic expulsion across all available surfaces? I am trying to determine the best place to set up my fermentation area and what kind of containment it will need to minimize disasters.
I'm an old boy scout and like to be prepared.

Thanks Barat for your extensive article on brewing. It answered all my questions but the above.

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