[Namron] OT: Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005

muriel@entelesoft.com muriel at entelesoft.com
Thu Jun 3 18:23:00 PDT 2004

Uncontrollable urge to stir the pot, sorry...

Did anyone but me notice that Matt implied here that women shouldn't be
citizens?  I mean, no women in the military and mandatory military duty to
become a citizen... hmmm...

I suppose we could have women limited to non-combat roles, but less logical
people might  not come to that conclusion.

Ilogical laws sometimes get made because people fail to follow their
reasoning all the way to its conclusion.  If we try to think our own
opinions out to their ultimate conclusions and then vote, perhaps we can
help limit the passing of illogical laws.*

A draft with no gender boundaries is certainly an "equitable" idea, but the
idea of any draft at all is certainly not going to be a popular topic.  How
about an equally gender-equitable absence of draft?

*note:  the statements in this particular paragraph are purposefully vague
and do not represent a judgement of any kind about Matt's statement or the
proposed law.
-----Original Message-----
From: namron-bounces+muriel=entelesoft.com at ansteorra.org
[mailto:namron-bounces+muriel=entelesoft.com at ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of
Matthias the Brewer
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 5:24 PM
To: Barony of Namron
Subject: RE: [Namron] OT: Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring

I was in the Marine Corps for 8 years.

I was in a war (Saudia Arabia and Kuwait, 1990-1991)

I don't like the idea of ANYONE in combat.  But I'm too much of a realist to
think that will ever happen.

I don't like the idea of women in combat.  Mainly based upon my experiences.
I did not encounter a single woman in a combat zone whom I respected as a
Warrior.  Several I respected as a leader, or as a person.  But never as a

I know of a case where a Captain (yes, the fine honorable officer corps) who
was arrested with over $20,000 cash on her person in Saudi Arabia before the
land war started.  The worlds oldest trade.  She was shipped out and kicked
out.  Justly.

In a rear area (Al-Jabal, on the coast of Saudi Arabia), EVERY woman Marine
(officially referred to as a WM, more popularly referred to as many other
things) lived in a special area.  Surrounded with armed guards.  Every time
one of them went ANYWHERE, they had an armed guard with them.  The head.
The chow hall.  To the Batallion COC.  Why?  Because there were concerns of
rape and safety (from both civilian and military).  Females do not belong in
a combat zone.  Women have special requirements and health issues that are
awkward (at the very least) in a combat zone.  Did I mention that while
everyone in country had at least one weapon, only E-6 and above had
ammunition?  This implies to me that women need special protection?  In a
war zone?  Give me a break.  Everyone in a combat zone should be able to
protect themselves.  This wasn't even near the border.  In was in a REAR
area.  For all their mouthings, those in charge also felt that woman do not
belong in combat areas.  Else why would they need the guards?

I realize some of you will disagree with me.  Good!!!  That is one of the
rights I was willing to die for (ok, but I wasn't very enthusiastic about
the dying part) to protect!!  Want to discuss it?  I'd love it.  I'll
respect everyone's right to have an opinion.  And I'd love to debate it with
you!!  I have LOTS of opinions, and I'd be happy to debate almost all of

Women's Liberation?  Equal Rights?  It'll never happen.  It can't happen.
Biological reasons.  The rules of Man allow for these concepts.  And in a
perfect world, we'd follow the rules of Man.  But Darwin follows the rules
of Nature.  And in a combat zone, Darwin IS God.

Oh, and about the draft?  It's good for you.  Builds character.  Starship
Troopers was about a society who learned what freedome was.  By fighting for
it, and by dying for it.  Only after that, could you become a citizen.
Heinlen felt that citizenship was a privilage to be earned.  Not awarded for
surviving puberty.  I wish it were closer to reality.

I hope I made someone at least question their beliefs, and think a little

And as Steven Tyler said, "Life's a journey, not a destination."

OK, I'm off my soapbox.

For now.

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