[Namron] The Children

William Herron fitzbubba at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 04:38:28 PDT 2005

On 7/13/05, Lord Pooky <lord_pooky at hotmail.com> wrote:
> 1a. If the most evil form of human life gets a hold of the list and we
> were the ones to print out the list and the par/leg guar did not ok the
> inclusion of the name of their child onto the list I am sure and Bubba might
> be able to confirm there'd be hell to pay for the Barony.

You are correct.  It wouldn't be me raising the hell, though.  I'm
several Kingdoms away.  Here we would all shake our heads and say,
what were those people thinking when they did that?

You guys are on the right track.  Let the parents or guardians decide
what information should be "published" about their children, and
respect their wishes.  (I know you're already thinking that...I'm just
agreeing with you from way-far-away.)


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