[Namron] Fwd: Baronial Selection Specifics - Candidacy and Letters

Jacqueline Reynolds jacqueline.reynolds.namron at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 08:56:07 PST 2009

I'm reposting this e-mail for anyone who might need this information.

Lady Jacqueline Reynolds

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Northern Seneschal <northern at seneschal.ansteorra.org>
> Date: November 19, 2009 4:08:04 PM CST
> To: Barony Mailing List of Namron <namron at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Subject: [Namron] Baronial Selection Specifics - Candidacy and Letters
> Reply-To: Barony of Namron Mailing List <namron at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Unto the Populace of the Barony of Namron, Greetings Again!
> This third missive to your email list will cover candidacy
> requirements and specifics about the letters candidates will be
> required to write.
> Each of the emails I submit about the baronial selection process has
> my permission for your chronicler and web minister to reprint in your
> newsletter or post online on a page of your web site.
> Candidacy requirements:
> 1)	You need to live in the barony or a canton.  I’m still verifying if
> adjacent zip codes are allowed an exception.  If you are unsure if
> your zip code qualifies you to be a candidate, let me know and I’ll
> verify for you.
> 2)	You need to be a paid member of the SCA.  If your membership
> lapses, you cannot continue to be the Baron or Baroness.
> 3)	You can apply as a single individual or two people can apply as a
> couple.  The couple do not need to be married to each other.  One
> person could reside in the barony and the other in the canton.  If
> applying as a couple, submit joint letters as described below; not one
> letter per person.  If applying as a couple, one male and one female
> are required.
> 4)	You need to understand what is involved in the role.  Read Kingdom
> Law and Corpora concerning the roles of landed Barons and Baronesses.
> Also, consider visiting with the current or former landed nobility for
> specifics that are not written down.
> 5)	You need to submit a letter to Their Majesties (do not copy me or
> the Kingdom Seneschal) requesting consideration as the next landed
> nobility for Namron.  Letters are due to Their Majesties by December
> 3.  Specifics on the letter follow.  Letters may be postal mailed to
> the address listed for the Crown in the Black Star or may be emailed
> to Crown at ansteorra.org.  While membership cards and photo ID would be
> scanned in the case of an email, if you do email your letter then
> please note the following.  Attach a copy of your letter as a Word doc
> or text document or, if you scan your letter with signatures, copy the
> text into the email itself to assist Her Majesty with reading the
> text.
> 6)	You need to submit a letter to your baronial chronicler before
> Christmas that will be published in the January issue of the
> newsletter.  This letter should introduce you (or both of you) to the
> populace and explain your vision of what you will bring the barony in
> this role and where you see the barony going.  Solid plans on how to
> get there are probably a positive thing.
> 7)	You must participate in an interview with Their Majesties.  Date
> and place to be scheduled.
> 8)	You should conduct yourself during the candidacy period in the same
> manner that you would conduct yourself for a professional job
> interview.
> 9)	The populace will be polled concerning their opinions on all
> candidates.  (Polling specifics will come in a later email.)
> 10)	If selected, you must swear fealty to the Crown for the lands you
> will hold in Fief.
> Letters.
> Your letter of candidacy to the Crown must include a photocopy of a
> current membership card and a photocopy of some photo ID (such as
> driver’s license).  The letter should clearly state that you are
> requesting consideration to be the next Baron/ess of Namron.  It
> should also include any experience you have, within the Society or
> outside the Society, which contribute to your qualifications to hold
> this position.  You should explain any needs you see in the barony
> today and how you would address those.  You should explain where you
> see the barony going if you are selected and what you will do to help
> it reach that vision.
> Additionally, Their Majesties have provided a set of questions that
> they want any candidates to answer in their letter to the Crown.
> Those questions (which may cover some of the points above) are:
> 1)	Where do you see the Barony in 5 years?
> 2)	What is your mission statement for your time as Baron and Baroness?
> 3)	What five things will you do to promote your vision?
> 4)	What five things will you do to promote unity within the Barony?
> 5)	If you do not become Baron or Baroness how will you support the
> candidates that are chosen?
> You must also submit a letter to your baronial chronicler before
> Christmas.  Check with your chronicler for exact deadline.  That
> letter will be published in the January issue of the baronial
> newsletter.  The purpose of that letter is to introduce yourself
> (yourselves) to the populace of the barony and canton.  It should
> introduce who you are, your experience (inside or outside of the
> Society) which may qualify you to be the next Baron/ess.  It should
> touch on many of the themes you present to Their Majesties in the
> other letter.
> You could write one letter to the Crown and the populace which serves
> both purposes.  That is not required.  You may find targeting your
> audience with each letter to be a better writing option.
> Seigneur Etienne
> Northern Regional Seneschal
> _______________________________________________
> Namron mailing list
> Namron at lists.ansteorra.org
> http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/namron-ansteorra.org

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