[Namron] Submitting name and device paperwork

Doug Copley doug.copley at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 08:39:43 PDT 2010

Actually no idea. But I figure with my extensive expertise (meaning I 
know almost nothing) that I could go to the class and learn stuff that 
would move me closer to being able to do it:-)


Jim Couch wrote:
> Thanks Adena
> Vencenti, I thought about that (since we are going) but I didnt see a 
> submission table or a class on submitting.  They looked like the were 
> from the perspective of the herald.  That would be great if we could 
> turn them in there.
> Lorenzo
> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Doug Copley <doug.copley at gmail.com 
> <mailto:doug.copley at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     There is an Ansteorran Heraldic & Scribal Symposium on July 31st in
>     Oklahoma City near Memorial and N. May - this is a FREE event!
>     Margherita and I will be going to work on ours. That would be one of
>     the best ways to go and find out everything that you might need.
>     Vincenti
>     Jim Couch wrote:
>         So, just blasting this out there in case there is anything we
>         are missing.
>         I find device and name paperwork to be about as stressful as
>         doing my taxes.  But my lady Señora Antonia de la fuente and I
>         have declared Sunday to be April 15th at our place, and we are
>         going to "get er dun" as they say in some parts of  Ansteorra.
>         The general concepts of our names and devices were checked out,
>         but its been almost a year since we have done so.  So, I imagine
>         we should run through that process again.  Is a herald required
>         for that or can we do the basic checks ourselves?
>         We have decided that rather than using the paperwork we created
>         a year ago, we will print out new blanks and fill them out as
>         new.  If anyone else in Namron wants to use the buddy system and
>         come do theirs at our place, you are more than welcome to join
>         us.  We'll start about 9 or 10am tomorrow morning.  We have lots
>         of table space, and markers.  Any other A&Sy type project is
>         welcome too.  Contact me privately if you need directions.
>         Lastly, we have decided to (if possible) return the Canton of
>         Skorragardr check we were issued, eat the cash we spent on this
>         a year ago, and "rebuy" the fee through the Barony of Namron.
>          Once we have completed out paperwork, who would we contact to
>         do the check money part, I am assuming that is Baroness Adena...
>         and is that person going to be around the area in the next few
>         days/week?  Unless it would be easier, more proper, quicker to
>         just do the check swappy thing with the Canton of Skorragardr.
>          Not sure on this one.  Just trying to make it as easy on myself
>         and everyone else as possible.
>         I think that is all my rambling for the morning.  Suggestions or
>         thoughts, things I may have missed, policies I may be attempting
>         to break, etc are welcome.  =)
>         Señor Lorenzo Martín

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