[Namron] March 2011 Officer Meeting Notes

Vallie Copley vallie.copley at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 20:56:14 PDT 2011


Here are the notes from this month's officers meeting:

*Seneschal:* working on things for Beltane, I believe we will be having 
a newcomer's encampment again. Will follow up with the Hospitaler. I 
want to work on getting a list of sites that are available in Oklahoma 
for future events.

*Knights Marshal*: weekly practice is picking up; I have been having 
double digits of participants. As you all probably know, all of my armor 
and all of the loaner armor was stolen out of the back of my truck this 
past weekend.  I am working on getting armor back together. We have 
several pieces of armor and a shield and weapons donated to the Barony 
from Karl Sturmfeuer (aka Fluffy) to go for loaner equipment. I will be 
getting my armor back together soon.

*Herald:* I have my first submission, thank you Jacq. I am working on 
the office and learning more things.

*Archery Marshal:* We had 4 new people at archery and there are more 
people coming out to practice each week.  Working on getting things 
ready for Beltane for the archery competition.

*Rapier Marshal:* Having more new people out for practice.  We are doing 
skill training at practices each week.  Would like to encourage a group 
of people to go to the Academy of the Rapier in August.

*Hospitaler:* This is the biggest time of the year for this office, we 
had a great attendance at the Med Faire, I believe 2-3 times from last 
year.  The newcomers meeting worked well and we had a higher retention 
rate.  Next year we should have twice as many business cards.  Will be 
having the newcomers meal on Friday night at Beltane just the same as I 
did for Wiesenfeuer and also have an encampment.

*Treasurer:* Paul (aka Pink) will be running gate at Beltane; I will get 
with him before and get him set up.  I have had no interest in anyone 
wanting to become Treasurer.  If you know of anyone interested please 
let me know, I will be stepping down in August/September.

*Chronicler:* not present

*Webminister:* not present

*MOC: *not present

*A & S: *not present

*Knights Marshal:* I would like to see if we can possible have the 
monthly officers meeting changed to every 3 months.

*Seneschal:* we discussed options and I will check with Kingdom to make 
sure what the requirements are and will follow-up at the next meeting. 
We also discussed having the Populace meeting with less business focus. 
We will start having a different person each month running a class.  
Adena has volunteered to have a dance class at the May Populace meeting. 
Alicia has volunteered to have a simple side less surcoat construction 
class at the June Populace meeting.  Baronessa Caterina will also follow 
up with the Storms and have their input also.

*Lord Buchello:* Med Fair refreshments went well. We did go a little 
over budget, but we do have Gatorade and lemonade and supplies that can 
be used at Beltane.

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