[Namron] words to The Viking

Cynthia Teague cmt1708 at gmail.com
Tue May 7 04:49:52 PDT 2013

The Viking

To the Tune of The Gambler by Kenny Rogers

Words by James Rushin aka Allon McBaine

On a cold winters evening, On a longboat bound for nowhere,

I met up with a Viking, We were both too drunk to sleep.

So we took turns a starin’, At the water in the darkness,

Till boredom overtook us, And he began to speak.

He said son I’ve made a life, Out of burnin’ peoples places,

Knowin’ where the guards were, By the fire in their eyes.

And if you don’t mind me sayin, I can see you’re a bit anxious,

For a taste from your flagon, I’ll give you some advice.

So I handed him my bottle, And he drank down my last swallow,

Then he bummed a pinch of smoke, And lit up his pipe.

Then he got deathly quiet, And his face lost all expression,

Said if your gonna loot and pillage, you’ve got to learn to do it right.


You’ve got to know when to hack em, Know when to whack em,

Know when we’ll seize the day, And watch em when they run.

You never count your plunder, When your sittin’ in the mead hall,

There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the feastin’s done.

Every viking knows, That the secret to survivin’,

Is knowin what to throw away, And knowin what to keep.

‘Cause every lands a winner, And every lands a loser,

And the best that you can hope for, Is fine women, meat , and drink.

And when he finished speakin’ He turned back towards the darkness,

Pulled down his fuzzy hat, And faded off to sleep.

And somewhere in the darkness, The viking found Valhalla

And strung across his back I found, An axe that I could keep.
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