[Namron] Volunteers Chosen and Opportunities to serve

Seneschal of Namron seneschal at namron.ansteorra.org
Mon Dec 9 09:05:58 PST 2019

Hola Barony
At the holiday populace celebration, Their Excellencies announced the
following decisions for volunteer positions. Congratulation and thank you!

   - Beltane Event Autocrats - Lady Cailleach Uí Chaerbhaill
   - Norman Medieval Fair Coordinators - Lady Josseline (Char-ri Eby) and
   Lady Branwen
   - Gulf Wars Kitchen Coordinator - Baroness Caterina Giovanni

There were no applications regarding Gulf War Camp Stewards
In addition, we have several officer positions that will close on December
15th. If you are interested in any of these positions the email Their
Excellencies, myself, and the regional or kingdom office for that position.

   - Herald
   - Archery Marshal
   - Minister of Children

Finally, after much discussion with Their Excellencies and my wife Antonia
(Jennifer), I have decided that it would be best for me and the barony if I
resign my office early. When I chose to apply for the office, there was no
chance for me to begin work as a counselor for several years. However, an
opportunity came about that made it possible for me to start immediately. I
thought that I would be able to work both my jobs, continue as seneschal,
and still be a great husband but it has become evident that I cannot. Thank
you all for the support this year. This does not mean that we are backing
away from the SCA as a whole. We are still excited to make it to various
events and do the things we can do.
Lastly I want to thank my deputies Arianna and Laurie for helping to carry
the load, and thank Kelly Renee McKinnon who literally was the person who
would keep my brain straight.
Information regarding the timeline will come soon, and I'll be doing my
best to maintain the reports and other duties until my replacement has been
found. I am sure that at very least an application will need to be
submitted to Their Excellencies and the Northern Regional Seneschal and
you'll also need to attend Round Table

En servicio,
Señor Lorenzo Martín.
Barony of Namron
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