[Namron] News from the Kingdom Earl Marshal

Seneschal of Namron seneschal at namron.ansteorra.org
Tue Jun 2 20:27:23 PDT 2020

News from the Kingdom Earl Marshal. I will share additional information as
quickly as possible. (Not tonight, if more is released; I'm off to bed

Kolfinna, Seneschal

"After consultation with the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal, I am pleased to
announce we have agreed to a reopen plan for local martial activities.

  We have been closely analyzing data, evaluating the risks and measures,
and tweaking the plan from the input we’ve sought out. We’ve developed
metrics not only for opening, but also downgrading status, and even closing
activities based on several factors. This plan and the metrics will
continue to be updated as we move through reopening.

  You will next see Zoom meeting invites to communicate the plan and
educate our marshals and populace.

  On Friday, a go/no-go decision will be analyzed and announced on resuming
practices as early as Monday June 8th.

  This is only for martial practices and not other SCA activities nor
events. There will be future announcements from the relevant officers when

In service,
Phelim Gervase called Pug, Earl Marshal"
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