[Namron] December Business Meeting Notes

Seneschal of Namron seneschal at namron.ansteorra.org
Fri Dec 22 08:39:40 PST 2023

Namron Populace,

Business Meeting December 21, 2023.

Bids are still open for the following:
     Medieval Fair - open until December 31st
     Beltane Event Steward
     Beltane Tavern Steward

Still looking for a Gulf War Meal Coordinator.
Treasurer position will be open in January, current one can extend for 6
months but really need to have a deputy/replacement soon.
Check your membership expiration dates, make sure you are good. Round Table
is virtual on January 20th, please take this opportunity to expand your
knowledge or get warranted.
We are currently still accepting bids for Baronial thrones.

   Arts and Science - meetings going well on Mondays, having on average 6+
people each week. Looking at lampwork bead day January 21st
   Rapier - going great, have between 12-20 people each week, will have
practice on Wednesday the 27th
   Thrown Weapons - one successful practice, great event at Yule,  will
schedule 2 practices in January
   Archery - First official practice was great, will have a marshalling
event on Jan 31st, looking at siege and combat archery practices as well.
   Youth and Family Officer - Used to be MOC, name change, new handbook
coming, deputies needed.
   Treasurer - Time in office is coming to an end in January, end of year
books are going well. Will be documenting Skorragardr's inventory/trailer
and finances, which will be held by Namron until they return from
dormancy or disband all together.
   Chronicler - New deputy, please send any new story or people profile.
Make sure to send your missives by the 25th of each month.

Yancy - (he said to include) - made fun, made people laugh, don't trust him!
Kolfinna - has no notes (😯) Dropped off the toys, they were well received
and very much needed this year, start of a new calendar year, new B&B,
can't wait to see the design of the new pavilion, will it be the same as
the Calm or different.

    Need new business cards, especially before the Medieval Fair. We are
looking at creating a student group at OU for medieval studies. Oak Springs
still wants to do Nibs & Needles - need to find a date on the calendar. The
Barony needs to decide whether we are still putting on Axeman or not in
2024. Lots of talk about Medieval Fair - need to have notebooks at each
tent, need to talk and collect information better this next year. Need to
check on marshals and volunteers all weekend long. Bring Medieval peeps to
populace to put on skits for how to talk to people at the fair, people
working the ropes need to engage the crowd more. Every group needs to bring
banners to show/cards to hand out to people from their area.

Yours In Service,
Lady Isabella Coppola
Seneschal, Barony of Namron
Modernly Known As: Mylissa Minyard
Pronouns: Her/Hers
Phone: 580-504-4919
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