[Namron] Hersirkona Kolfinna's Summer Award Rec Challenge

Baroness of Namron baroness at namron.ansteorra.org
Thu Jun 1 20:08:01 PDT 2023

I announced this challenge at Populace tonight. Let's recommend people for
awards, no matter where they live! If you submit 23 recommendations (or
really really close) by August 1, you'll get a thank you gift from me. Send
me your list (award names/type only; you don't have to disclose names) by
email at baroness at namron.ansteorra.org. This challenge is open to anyone
who reads it!


Hersirkona Kolfinna's Summer Award Recommendation Challenge

Recommend one person for an award for each of the following. Try not to
duplicate. Email me (baroness at namron.ansteorra.org) the list of submissions
you made and I will make you a gift. Yes, this is flagrant bribery.

This is a list of ways to think of people, not things people should get
awards for. They don’t necessarily need a recommendation for the thing this
prompts you to think about, but you should think about what they do that
you admire or appreciate and then pick something appropriate if they don’t
have the applicable award already. Award recommendations can be within a
local group, Principality, or Kingdom, and are not limited to groups within

1. Someone who has been playing for under 3 years
2. Someone new to the thing you do. Reminder: the rec doesn’t have to be
for that thing…
3. Someone who has been doing the thing you do for a while, but for an
award not related to that thing
4. A Peer, Noble, or Royal who has gone without recognition for a long time
5. A non-Peer/non-Noble/Royal who has gone without recognition for a long
6. Someone in your Barony/Province/Shire/Canton but not your close
7. Someone in another Barony/Province/Shire/Canton
8. Someone under 25
9. Someone over 50
10. An officer or deputy
11. Someone you met in the last year
12. Someone you have known since your first year
13. Someone who taught you something or helped you with something
14. Someone who does a thing you don’t find that interesting or enjoyable
but they do it well
15. A youth- maybe a youth who should have an AoA
16. Someone who does a thing you wish you had time to do
17. Someone you may not want to sit and chat with but who undeniably does
their thing well
18. A group you see as a staple in Namron/Vindheim/Ansteorra
19.  Someone who you think of as part of a pair, but usually their
SO/friend gets the award
20.  Someone who has thanked or complimented you.
21. Someone who does not live in your local group for an award in their
home barony (sometimes the voices that travel the farthest ring the
22. Someone you met at an out-of-kingdom event and does something amazing
23. Someone who is also working on completing this challenge

You do NOT have to be a member of the Barony of Namron to participate in
this challenge. Deadline is August 1. If you need assistance with
submissions to areas outside of your local group, I will be happy to help.
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