[NR] Kat's green Cat

Susan O'Neal catmafia at swbell.net
Sat Jun 23 03:01:14 PDT 2001

Larissa wrote:
> > perhaps someone will rescue it, and make it into a badge for
> > a Northern Regional Children's award or the like?

Kat replied:
>Careful, Your Highness, things like that actually happen here in the
>North.  I am, after all, a member of the barony that gives awards
>like the "Flaming Weasel."  Albeit those are few and far between, but
>they *do* exist.  And those who hold them are quite proud to do
>so (go figure).
>I can see it all now.  Green kitties popping up on banners
>everywhere.  Unofficial mascots of heraldic faux pas.  Brings to mind
>the old days when a "blue gerbil rampant reguardant armed" started
>a whole downhill slide of silliness.
>Kat  >^.,.^<

Hehe, I think my kids would be honored to recieve a badge with a green kat
on it, actually the "blue gerbil rampant reguardant armed" would probably
appeal too.  How would a regional badge for something even be done?  Who
sets the regs for something like that?  The only children's award I know of
is the Rising Star, but isn't it only given by the crown to children who
they have become aware of for their achievements and contributions?  How
does it apply to those who don't travel much?  Do minors (it is weird, they
are children is some things and adults when you pay for them as teens and
can participate in some of both activities like bardic) recieve AOA's?  I
have read about these things, but have yet to completly come to an
understanding of the how it works part.

Susan, in Service to
Truth, Beauty, Freedom,
But above all...

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