[NR] vivats and thank yous for KASMAT

Zubeydah zubeydah at northkeep.org
Mon Feb 2 06:37:57 PST 2004

What an amazing event!!

I wanted to say Thank You to the Autocrat, Honorable Lady Gilyan
Clonmacnoise, for kindly allowing me to run a Waterbearing class at the last
minute, and for always having answers whenever I (or anyone else for that
matter) had questions throughout the day. Thank you also to the five folks
who took the class!

Thank You also to Centurion Jean Paul de Sens and Sir Asoph Hearts for the
wonderfully yummy feast, which I had the pleasure of serving and enjoying.
Baroness Michelle did a terrific job of taming the normal chaos of
organizing servers, added to which was the complications of a Server

But most especially and personally, I would like to thank the gracious and
amazing Zaynah and Yalenna, who took over waterbearing duties at the event
when I succumbed to illness around mid-day. These two ladies prepared and
served over four gallons of hot chocolate and another 3 gallons of hot
broth, Gatorade, water, fighter biscuits, cheese, and other delectibles for
those brave fighters, rapier fighters, and those who braved the icy winds
and cold temperatures to participate in the Royal Huntsman tournament.  Any
critique should be directed to me: any praise, to these two fine ladies.
Without them, the day would have been ruined for many.

In service,

zubeydah al-badawiyya

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