[NR] Suggested Action in the Northern Region (Long)

Lori Campbell lcampbell at oltn.odl.state.ok.us
Mon Feb 2 07:15:31 PST 2004

Just to reinforce what Valstarr said, his method of dealing with this is really the only way things will ever get changed.  I seriously doubt that the SCA, as an organization, will ever lobby for change.  That kind of action is up to the individuals.

I work under the noses of the legislature and, though they are nice and receptive to taxpayer concerns, they are all your typically overworked state employees.  Plain and simple, they pay the greatest amount of attention to the things that are in their face
constantly.  This upcoming session has had a lot more legislation submitted for action than the previous session, which translates directly into "if you want to get the grease, you need to be the squeakiest wheel."  My suggestion would be to write letters AND make
phone calls.  The phone calls really make an impact because it costs to have government employees handling the calls.  The letters, OTOH, give them information in writing as to what concerns specifically need to be addressed.  In the end, I wouldn't be surprised to
see the law changed simply to get the members of certain groups off the backs of the legislators.  It's been known to happen.  Annoy the heck out of them in the nicest, most polite way possible.

Apparently other historical reinactment groups care about this change, but they have the same problems that the SCA does when it comes to getting things across.  There just aren't enough of them concerned about the issue.  My suggestion would be for interested SCA
merchants to contact merchants from other organizations and see if they can't elicit some additional support in the form of letters, petitions, etc..  After all, it is *your* livelihood.  If you don't put the effort in it isn't likely anyone less effected will bother
to either.  For example, I know lots of SCA people who don't care enough to write letters, but they would sign a petition circulated at an event (or a populace meeting) if one was well worded.

Kat  >^.,.^<

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