[NR] castellan

ld.blackmoon ld.blackmoon at cox.net
Sun Jun 3 18:57:49 PDT 2007


well another castellan is past 
and even though there were fewer archers and thrown weapons contestants than in previous years due to lots of rain on friday and mud .
there were some major improvements this year !!!
the biggest and most noticable was the nice new port o potty  near the ranges !!. 
major kudo's to the autocrats / ranger roger ,  for it's placement this year. !!

also noted : was we had a shade pavillion for the 2nd year in a row !!
and there was actually a nice new thrown weapons target year !!
and all the marshals got to participate in other activities , instead of living on the ranges all day , yay !!
for the first year ever , we actualy had more than enough cold liquid to last everyone all day !!! (  yay water bearers , way to go !! )

the tw target will be installed at the northkeep missile range soon  = )

to the surprise of everyone ( mostly especially myself ) i was not  banished or beheaded after being called before the king while at the missile ranges. 
instead , i was given the award of the " sable talon for archery " ( and yes , i was wearing shoes this time ; )
thanx to all that had anything to do with the award !, now i have to try to prove i'm worthy to wear it .

also , just for word fame , i was almost defeated in my attempt to win castellan archer again , by a newbie named doug griffen who was attending his second event . very good shooting doug !!! ( i only beat him by 1 point in the shoot off )

kudo's to ldy . adernan ( sp? ) the child and youth archery went very smoothly , as did the youth spear throw.
to all our child and youth archers , good job, see you next year = )

i'm told that my students , both formal; and informal did very well in all their activities, but i was so busy , i don't have the details yet.
so , congratulations to all my students !!!!! , keep up the good work!!

for those that missed the feast , big mistake ...
although this was the cooks first feast , he did a great job.
i found nothing in the feast to be anything less than great, ( ok, so the humis had a slightly different flavor than i prefer, but it was still tasty = )
and yes , i ate the whole thing ; )
and i can't say for anyone else , but our table server was fantastic !!!
and all those little kids running around kept mugs full all through feast ! , vivat the munchkins !!

there are items i'm forgetting , i'm sure, but i'm still brain fried .

ahh, congrats to ld. gryfydd aptorius as our newest archery marshal !!!

oh, i do want ot send a special thanx out to all the marshals that assisted on the ranges this year !!!
set up :  ld.gunarr haukr , h.e. michel mac donnchaid , h.e. elain ( sp? ) macdonnchaid , thank you !!!!
thrown weapons marshals, ld.gunnar haukr , and h.e ainar ran the tw range for me all day , thank you !!!!
and to the lady marshal from stone keep, thank you for your help during the youth spear throw !!!
archery marshals : arc d'or jaque the spink , h.e. michel macdonnchaid, ld. gryfyd aptorius,  robin of northkeep, pretty sure i'm forgetting someone , thank you !!!
tear down / clean up : robin of northkeep, mary ann of northkeep , thank you !!!

as of last sighting , our autocrats had survived , and done a fantastic job !!!!!

okie, well, i'm taking my fried green brains to bed , nite all, great event !!!

be safe, be happy, have fun
ld.arthur blackmoon,k.a.a , h.o.s.t.a.( ok, so i have no idea what letters go with a sable talon = /  )
arcarius to arc d'or jaques the spink
baronial missile marshal
barony of northkeep
namron baronial archery champion
castellan archer 
castellan marksman

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