NK - Yes Berengaria, I can document Santa Klaus!

LUEHRSRM at centum.utulsa.edu LUEHRSRM at centum.utulsa.edu
Tue Dec 8 13:07:54 PST 1998

> >And I would also take issue with the "most people can look up their own
> >questions as well."  It comes back to not caring to or wanting to or, more
> >importantly, not knowing where to look...
> There's a big difference between "can" and "will", ma'am. 
> >Can't tell I've started researching that diss, can you? :-)
> As long as you aren't dissing the research...
> Marc/Diarmaid
> (BTW, Rowan, bad news:  As of yesterday, I have a three month check out period,
> and will be attending a LOT more populace meetings...)

True, true.  Research beyond the average encyclopedia article for many students
is a novelty. :-)  

And no, not dissing the research--yet.  Academicians are notoriously long-windedand I do find a certain amount of entertainment in reading long passages that
say very little.  What this says about *me* probably isn't healthy but so it

And let me guess...you've rejoined the ranks of studentia????????
(Have you learned nothing by working in a library??!! :-P....)


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