NK - NK related pages, easier to find.

Hugh & Belinda Niewoehner the_burg at busprod.com
Mon May 22 08:46:52 PDT 2000

Heilsa everyone,
Recently, I've received a number of requests for the URL's of NK related
pages which Burg Borrendöhl supports.  In the interest of making things
easier for everyone, I've reworked our top level page.  You'll find a
pull down labeled "SCA and other Pages".  This will take you to the
library listings, the proposed castle drawings, and others.  Please
bookmark the following if you're interested in any of these things:


If you find any links that don't work please let me know and I'll get it
fixed.  As we create more pages they'll be added to the pull down and
announced on this list.

	Herr-Domr Damon,
        (Just returned from raids on al-Andulus)

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