NK - meaning of the barony name.

marc-carlson at utulsa.edu marc-carlson at utulsa.edu
Tue Jan 23 10:45:54 PST 2001

Quoting Hugh & Belinda Niewoehner <the_burg at busprod.com>:
> Keep refers to walled fortification, or castle in my understanding.  In
> Germany burgs referred to fortified castles and schloss to palace type
> "castles".  If it was just a tower it would be a turm (there is an umlat
> over the u).  We think of Northkeep as a fortified castle so we use
> Nordburg.  However, His Excellency prefers Nordwerk, I believe, which is
> Scandinavian.  That would probably also work for a northern German.  I'm
> sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

I may be mistaken, but I think the idea is that not everyone has a
Scandinavian persona, and may want to call it whatever they want to.
Personally, I always preferred "Northkeepshire", referring to the area
(as in "Cheshire" or "Nottinghamshire"), but I've discontinued using 
since we became a Barony because the conflicting SCA-usage and 
English-usage it might be confusing ("Baron of Northkeepshire" would
be fine, although the shire might not be used either -- and of course, 
full scale counties have Counts, Dukes or Earls, while "Barons" have 
smaller regions, like areas around towns and such -- and while referring
to His Excellency as "Lord Northkeep of Northkeepshire" would be correct
in English, no one would understand it - and probably assume I was 
insulting him).

While sticking with the CoH approved "Northkeep" may lose some of 
the flavor, it does minimize harsh words and cranky feelings.


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