[Northkeep] stolen armour

Alton lePeto altonscompany at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 24 09:43:04 PDT 2002


Was your armour in a bag?  Most of the stolen armour incedents involve
someone taking what they think is a bag of tools.  You'd probably do good
looking for your gear in local dumpsters, since real thieves realize quickly
they have stolen something of no cash value, except to the pissed off people
they have stolen it from.  Checking pawn shops might help, but not many pawn
shops would give somebody 5 bucks even for a helmet.  If it wasnt in an
armor bag, I would suspect that it was taken on a lark by neighborhood kids.
  In that case, depending on the neighborhood, I'd try offering a bit of
cash to local kids to either come up with your stuff or at least find out
who took it.  Then you can precede to hiring some underage thugs to get it
back and beat the bejesus out of the ones who took it.

(email) Altonscompany at hotmail.com
(webpage) http://altonscompany.homestead.com

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