[Northkeep] to My Baroness and my northkeep friends....

uilliacc wmbrett at theshop.net
Fri Aug 1 17:17:57 PDT 2003

regarding the painting/printmaking techniques we could approach it by picking an era or time frame (for example the Carolingian era or a time period  like 1000-1200ad)  and I will prepare for say....   comparing what is done in Italy to the work of Northern Europe and central Asia....  (or other areas/cultures of the same period)  

as an artist and historian by both vocation and advocation,  I would enjoy any period and group of cultures that there is wide interest in....  Given a final idea of interests by the end of Sept, I can have a thorough,  maybe even multi session program going as deep as there is interest....  I can even set it up with a session that is just introduction, or a session geared for artists, and a session geared towards appreciation (ie history, recognition of style, and understanding of technique).....   

I just would like to make sure I'm meeting the interests of a number of gentles before I do the prep work..... or even what would appeal to the largest number...


re: mundane teaching work
Math isn't my favorite....  but I teach it well because I  approach from several of Gardners multiple inteligences..... (ie visual-spatial, numerical-logical, and verbal-lingual, with healthy doses of musical-rythmic and kinesthetic games to reinforce the lessons.... add to that lots of small group work to take advantage of my students' natural inter/intrapersonal skills)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mercedes/Stephanie 
  To: The Barony of Northkeep 
  Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 9:12 AM
  Subject: Re: [Northkeep] to My Baroness and my northkeep friends....

  You know, I don't think I knew you taught math as well as art.........

  And any of those topics would be lovely!!!!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: uilliacc 
  To: The Barony of Northkeep 
  Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 10:19 PM
  Subject: Re: [Northkeep] to My Baroness and my northkeep friends....

  well....   in a couple of weeks (after I settle into my RV park in Bowie) I just might be able to put together some ideas for the barony and whoever else is interested to give feedback regarding what we most would like to see presented....  

  I'm leaning towards either period accurate techniques, materials and/or tools and preparations for painting or printmaking (choose any period between late Byzantine HRE and the dawn of Italian Baroque....  Northern European and eastern cultures included)  or a focused art history/art appreciation look at the art and art techniques of many regions within a given era (possibly with slideshow and a CD-rom catalog of images... freely given and protected under fair-use rules)...

  many things run through my mind right now...

  by the by, my math position has become more fluid with the possibility that I'll be teaching art and history instead or maybe also....  glorius uncertainy less than two weeks before the school year begins.....  You gotta love this profession....


  ...and of course I would give profound consideration to Her Exellency's suggestions for a class....

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Mercedes/Stephanie 
    To: The Barony of Northkeep 
    Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 8:08 AM
    Subject: Re: [Northkeep] to My Baroness and my northkeep friends....

    So, Uilliacc, what are you going to teach at wInterkingdom?


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