[Northkeep] Toy Tourney!

j.t.herring j.t.herring at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 23 08:49:18 PST 2005

Forwarded from Namron...

----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: [Namron] Toy Tourney!

  Greetings! The time has come again for the
Baronesses Toy Tourney/ Northern Regional Fighter
Practice! It will be held this year at Camp Eko-wah
East of Marlow Oklahoma on Sunday November 27th 2005,
Eldern XXVII, Wiesenfeuer Baronial, and Crown Tourny
were all held at this site this year. Activities are
set to begin at 10a.m. and there will be a compitition
to determine the Rapier, Chivalric, and Archery
Champion, then possible melees and pickups. Entry is
one new toy worth at least $5 to be donated to Toys
for Tots. HE Adria Lorelle has agreed to oversee the
Stone Soup Tavern. She asks that all who participate
bring breads, finger foods or desserts. The Barony of
the Eldern Hills will provide a tasty beef stew.

  If there are any authorizing marshalls available
would they please contact me off the list? (Amanda
Odom)Signorina Angelina deCicco C(580)704-6942, H
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

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