[Northkeep] England banning samurai swords

Marc Carlson marccarlson20 at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 17 08:24:39 PST 2007

> From: jon.d.eppler at gmail.com
> It is a crimminal offense to kill someone breaking into your home in GB.

So... you spend much time looking for the loopholes in the "killing people is a crime" thing? :)

I haven't tried it lately, but I suspect that if I were to kill someone breaking in to my home, the Police would at least want to *talk* to me about it.  And while, based on the common wisdom, I might get away with it, I think it's a sad reflection on things that the major reason I'd be inclined to kill someone rather than take them alive is the fact that there's less paperwork involved, and a much smaller chance of getting sued.

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