[Northkeep] Darn it!

Montega montega at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 19:10:23 PST 2007

I sent that from Morgans email. Sorry about that..I've had a lot of
emails about the job so here is an FAQ...

For the PSO job you take two tests. One is an aptitude test with some
math and other common sense type things. Word association and such.
(You would be shocked how many people you will be in the room with
that will not make it past this part) This is a written test. After
the written test, they have you take a computer test which is a very
simple customer service test where you use common sense to answer
scenarios. Very easy. Then when you pass that, they make an
appointment for an interview. Sometimes it's the same day, sometimes
the next day. You will have to take a drug screen and check up. This
is all paid for by them of course. Your benefits start in full the day
you start working there.

 The job is simple. You answer the phones, you answer simple account
questions and report outages and such. We don't have scripts that we
follow, we don't have to say a million things before and after each
call, just hello and goodbye. The company is a fantastic place to work
for. They give us a bonus in march every year. They really show a lot
of appreciation for employees. This is why no one wants to leave and
why they hire once a year.

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