[Northkeep] FW: Bagpipe/Shawm/Music workshop at Lilies!

Niewoehner, Hugh hughn at ssd.fsi.com
Wed Jun 6 09:31:29 PDT 2007


	This just in from Micha, of Wolgemut: (of course, exact times
will be posted at the music tent  - I suspect that is where the classes
will be too, though it is subject to change at the whim of the teacher)
	Please feel free to pass this on to any person/list that might
be interested!
	"The workshops that I would lke to teach would meet everyday
from Tuesday, June 12th - Friday June 15th. I will be teaching the
following courses.

	1. Introduction to the medieval bagpipe. A hands on introduction
to the medieval bagpipe as well as technical and theoretical information
about the developement of the instrument and related topics. A limited
number of intstruments are available for use during the class.

	Dates: Tuesday, June 12th - Friday June 15th.

	Time: 1 hour (please not before 11 am)

	2. Rauschpfeife/Shawm Workshop. For those who like the strident
powerful sound of double reeds, this workshop will cover a variety of
topics as well as practical, hands on instruction. A limited number of
intstruments are available for use during the class.

	Dates: Tuesday, June 12th - Friday June 15th.

	Time: 1 hour (preferably following the Bagpipe workshop)

	3. Historical Music Jam Session- Bring any instrument and your
voice for an "Olde Fashion" jam session/workshop which will cover the
"hits" of a variety of historical genres will be covered of the middle
ages and Renaissance. Some music will be made available and participants
are requested to bring copies of their favorite tunes to share.

	Dates: Tuesday, June 12th - Friday June 15th.

	Time: 1 hour (sometime in the afternoon, early evening)"

	Hope to hear everyone at music class,

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