[Northkeep] The Iron Star

Jerry and Teresa Herring j.t.herring at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 14 21:13:52 PST 2008

Greetings to the rapier fighters of the north,


As many of you know the Barony of Namron is hosting Her Majesty Vanessa's, Queen's Champion in a little less than two weeks on January 26th.  During the day, the current holders of the Iron Star will be defending their claim to that coveted symbol.  Several of us spoke at Coronation this past weekend and thought it would be fitting if the North could take hold of the Iron Star and carry it onto the field at Gulf War.  


We are hoping to field at least two or three teams from the North--(I know the Raptor already has their team together). We have enough Northern fighters that we should be able to field at least two more teams.  We first fought under the name The Northern Regional Army (the NRA) and several of us would love the NRA to rise to the challenge again.  The idea of the NRA is to have at least 1 fighter from each of the groups in the North.  If you are interested in signing up and fighting to be the bearer of the Iron Star than please let me know so that we can make the necessary preparations before the event. 


I am volunteering to serve as a coordinator for the NRA teams; however, I would prefer to turn over the on field leadership to more qualified people. 


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me--


In service,


HE Kelandra Carmichael

Baroness of Northkeep 

Lady of Chemin Noir 



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