[Northkeep] Ottoman Empire

Kathryn Helstrom kiamichikate at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 13:34:40 PST 2009

As requested, I am forwarding the following email to all my lady friends and
colleagues.  Anyone who is interested in the Ottoman Empire
(1299-1922) should enjoy this.  I have belonged to this Asian organization
for several years, and whenever they produce events like this, they are
excellent!  A wealth of informative people will be there, to be sure.
Anyone interested may also contact me off list and perhaps we can pool


Ladies Turkish Coffee Night
You are cordially invited to Ladies Turkish Coffee Night which will take
place on Friday, December 11th at 6:30 p.m.  There will be lots of food,
Turkish tea and coffee. Do not hesitate to share this e-mail with your
friends, relatives, and neighbors. Please R.S.V.P. by either e-mailing us at
tulsa at Turkishhouse.org or call 918-392-4141. The address is: 6804 S Canton
Ave. Suite: 100, Tulsa, OK 74136.  The theme of this Coffee Night will be
"Women in Turkey". The discussion will focus on the status of women in
Republic of Turkey and the Ottoman era.

Remember this: that there is a proper dignity and proportion to be observed
in the performance of every act of life.  --Marcus Aurelius

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