[Northkeep] Castellan Lost and Found

Amadeo Estevão rockmeamadeo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 22:15:57 PDT 2009

There was also a Stoneware mug and a gray felt hat left on the benches in
front of the dining hall.


On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Catherine Lackey <catanlac at yahoo.com>wrote:

>    Ah, that pewter mug would be mine that went missing Saturday night after
> court.  I can pick it up at a Wednesday night fighter practice or populace
> meeting.
>    BTW, Zahava, Amadeo and Your Excellencies...AWESOME CASTELLAN!!!  No. 20
> rocked and having autocrated a few of them myself, I am so proud of you and
> of this barony!  This is the best place to live, work and play bar none and
> we are all so lucky to live here and have each other.  Seeing the love on
> those tables for Amanda and Thormund, eating that incredible generous
> delicious feast* by a teenage feast steward, participating in a gorgeous and
> gracious court displaying the munificence of Northkeep to our winners,
> sitting up late at night with friends like the old days...it makes the heart
> full, so full.  Thank you everybody for making this place what it is.  The
> Best.
>         Baroness Catrin
> * any chance of buying some of that leftover chicken from feast?  It was so
> yummy and I'd love to taste it again!
> ________________________________
> From: Miriam Cook <zahavabathannah at yahoo.com>
> To: The Barony of Northkeep <northkeep at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Sent: Monday, June 8, 2009 10:04:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [Northkeep] Castellan Lost and Found
> Also found were a pewter mug, a chainmail necklace, and a silver hoop
> earing (from the pool area).
> Zahava
>  _______________________________________________
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