[Northkeep] Calontir's Clothier's Seminar, February 6, 2011

S L Hackworth slhack at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 13 06:48:23 PDT 2010


On February 6, the Kingdom on Calontir will host the Clothier's Seminar in the Kansas City, MO area.  I have been attending this event from some time and will be teaching this year.  It is a great event for anyone who is interested in learning about researching and making garb.  The classes are wonderful and the Calontir populace is gracious and friendly.  

The Clothier's Seminar is an annual event that revolves around the making of clothes and assessories. During the event there is also a "fashion show" called "A Walk Through History" where people will show off their garb in chronological order.  There is usually a full representation of the different fashions from the year 600 to 1600.  It is an excellent time to show off your finest garb and accessories.  Whether you have never sewn a piece of garb or have been doing it for years, there's something for you at this event. It's also the perfect place to learn what your persona would have worn, and why. Even if you don't sew, it's a great way to find people who can make garb for you. It is an opportunity to show off garb, talk with friends about clothes from particular time periods, compare clothes of various countries to each other, take pictures of all kinds of clothes and generally have a good time.

I will be driving to the event on Friday, February 5 and staying overnight with some of my friends from the Middle Kingdom.  I can leave at any time on Friday if you wanted to go, but wanted to wait until after you get off of work.  We usually share the cost of hotel rooms with 3-4 people in each room.  I'd love to introduce you to my friends.  I will be driving back after the event on Saturday, February 6th unless we have a group that would like to stay over one more night and drive back on Sunday.  I'm open to suggestions.  If you are interested in attending the event and riding with me, please let me know.  The event site is not up yet, but I wanted to let the Northkeep populace know so that you can place it on your long range calender.  The only downside is that this event is the weekend after Winter Kingdom.

Yours in service,


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