[Northkeep] Comic Con Demo a Success!

stephanie porter chimericalgirl at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 10 06:03:38 PST 2014



On Sun, 11/9/14, Baroness Montega <baroness at northkeep.ansteorra.org> wrote:

 Subject: [Northkeep] Comic Con Demo a Success!
 To: "The Barony of Northkeep" <northkeep at lists.ansteorra.org>
 Date: Sunday, November 9, 2014, 9:59 PM
 Northkeep made a major step towards
 introducing the SCA to the public this weekend. We talked to
 hundreds of people, handed out fliers, cards, and bookmarks.
 We got more than 130 emails from folks who want to be
 contacted for more information. Special thanks to HE
 Calandra, HE Ian, HE Facon, Ulrich, & HE Ainar, who
 worked all weekend making this a fantastic demo. Our booth
 was very professional and put together so well. We attracted
 people from several different states. We are so proud of
 Northkeep tonight. Amazing things are going to happen! 
 HE Montega Blackdragon
 Sent from my iPhone
 Northkeep mailing list
 Northkeep at lists.ansteorra.org

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