[Northkeep] A&S NIGHT

amanda hall amanda.c.hall at gmail.com
Mon May 4 07:11:16 PDT 2015

A&S A&S A&S!!!

Tonight kicks off the three month set of classes I will be teaching to take
sewers from measurements to a pattern you make yourself to a garment fitted
to your body Tonight will consist of filling out measurement sheets. All
you will need is a tape measure and clothes that aren't super loose. You
will be having a buddy take your measurements, so if you aren't comfortable
with not a significant other touch you, you should bring a buddy. Then on
the 18th, we will actually draw out the pattern (a ruler and a pencil will
be your needed supplies-I will provide butcher block paper.)  Tonight at
Martin East Library at 6:30.
If there is enough interest after we make the body slopers, I will lead a
couple of classes on making dresses and shirts and bodices from the
slopers. (And from having NO slopers, for people that didn't attend these

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