[Northkeep] Castellan - Silent Auction

Adalia adalia.nyx at gmail.com
Thu May 7 12:55:16 PDT 2015


The past few years, we've had a quilt in our raffle.  These quilts were
made from the original patchwork pavilions that we made and used before
purchasing the pavilions we have now.  This year, we are planning to do
things differently.  Her Excellency, Mercedes will still be hosting the
raffle of all the wonderful things! But there will be no quilt in the

This year we are having a silent auction.  There are 3 quilts remaining.
The highest bidder will have his/her choice of the three remaining quilts.
The second highest bidder will then be given his/her choice of the two
remaining quilts.  The final quilt will go home with the third highest

These quilts are highly sought after items so we thought we'd get the word
out early!

I can't wait to see you all at Castellan!

HL Adalia VonderBerg

Art is how we decorate space. Music is how we decorate time.

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