[Northkeep] Fwd: [NR] Keigan

Rick Drake ainarm at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 07:08:04 PDT 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kevinkeary via Northern <northern at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 9:36 AM
Subject: [NR] Keigan
To: northkeep at lists.ansteorra.org <northkeep at lists.ansteorra.org>,
northern at lists.ansteorra.org <northern at lists.ansteorra.org>
Cc: Kevinkeary <kevinkeary at aol.com>

Has it really been going on this long? I have been severely remiss in
keeping you, our friends, informed.
Ulaghan's funeral was May 28. His wake was June 6. June 9 I took Keigan
into the ER, fearing an aneurysm but expecting a low blood sugar crash.
That's what it was, but by the time I got her there she was in cardiac
arrest, because her potassium levels were through the roof. She was
intubated twice, finally took her off on the 16th. After two weeks of the
doctors and insurance dithering, they moved her to a convalescence/rehab
place July 2. By this time we knew her skin lesions were calciphylaxis.
Because of covid restrictions, we could only talk to her through a closed
window over a phone. An outdoor window. In Tulsa in July. She had a nurse
who had experience with calciphylaxis patients before, who told her she was
getting better, according to Keigan. I don't know whether she was lying to
her, or Keigan was lying to me. Either way I'm sure it was with the best of
intentions, to keep spirits up. But I couldn't see the truth through that
damn window.

She was transferred back to the hospital Monday. Her wounds in her legs
have spread, are badly infected, and have eaten away most of her left calf
and a good part of her right. They are talking about amputating both of
them above the knee, possibly as early as today. Her arms also have sores
in them, but they are smaller. They are badly swollen and bruised, and are
leaking clear liquid. But the surgeons weren't talking about taking them
off when we spoke to them last night. They say she can learn to walk again
with prosthetics. Privately, I can't help but feel like that is just
another lie to keep spirits up.

I don't know how today is going to go. I don't know what the future will be
like. But it's coming, like it or not.
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