[Northkeep] Wyldewode's Exchequer

Northern Treasurer northern at treasurer.ansteorra.org
Wed Sep 2 11:27:47 PDT 2020

First, please join me in thanking Honorable Lady Cicily Bridges for her
years of service as Wyldewode's Exchequer.  She's done a great job!  I know
the time that she's devoted to the office and I'm grateful to her for it!
Well done!

Second, Wyldewode had two great applicants for the office of exchequer.
I'd like to announce and welcome Caterina Cavalieri to the exchequer
corps.  I know her love of Wyldewode and its people will show through in
her devotion to the office of exchequer.  Welcome aboard!

Thanks to both of these ladies for their desire and willingness to serve!

Yours, In Service,
Adalia VondemBerg
Northern Regional Exchequer


Northern Regional Exchequer
northern at treasurer.ansteorra.org

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