TENT - Need help hanging my walls

Tanya Guptill tguptill at teleport.com
Wed Jan 26 14:49:52 PST 2000

M'lord Rhys,

Congrats on your new tent!  What an ambitous and spacious choice for a first
tent :)

About hanging the walls--I've used the fabric strip with buttonholes before,
and had good results.  The trick is to make sure that you use nice large buttons

and don't space them too far apart.  If you do, you will wind up with the weight

of the wall pulling down in the place it has been buttoned, which will make your

walls droop in between, and the bottom of the wall will be uneven on the ground
(not very pretty).  Also, you will want to remember that the weight of the
wall will exert a certain amount of pull on the seam on the roof--be sure to sew
so it is NOT opening up on the edge of the roof (you will wake up swimming
a serious rainstorm, which is no fun).

You mentioned the rope--I wonder if you are talking about Stephen Bloch's use
of rope at http://www.adelphi.edu/~sbloch/sca/tents/secondkr.html
I had the good fortune to talk with Stephen about his tents, and get a tour a
years ago at Pennsic, and was very impressed by the beauty and practicality of
pavilions.  On his web site, he mentions the strip method they use, and says,
not sure whether it's better to have buttons on the strip and
buttonholes on the walls or vice versa, but important: make
the walls are inside the strip, rather than outside. This way
any water that seeps in through the seam where the strip
attaches to the roof will fall on, and run down, the outside of
the wall, rather than falling straight down onto whatever you've left near the
walls. "

Good advice! :)

Keep us posted,

Samuel Walters wrote:

> Greetings all Gentles on this list!
> I am in the process of building my first pavillion (yay!) Basically an
> approximately 14 ft diameter round (read 10 sided) single pole tent.  I
> would appreciate some advice on how to hang my walls preferably without
> having to use a hoop or frame and hopefully without a rope either.  My
> current idea is to simply sew in a sturdy strip of fabric with button or
> toggle holes on the inside of the roof behind the dags and corrisponding
> toggles or buttons on the walls.  I'm hoping that this is a feasable idea
> and my dear Mumsy (read mother) with gazzillions of years of sewing behind
> her  (uh don't tell her i said that)  seems to think it is a workable
> design.
> Please let me know if you have any alternate suggestions or support for this
> design (I'd really like to hear from people experienced in making period
> tents although I trust Mumsy, I don't wanna look the fool when I go to set
> up my new tent..ha ha)
> Thankyou all in advance for your generous and helpful responses.
> Yours in our Society,
> Rhys Goch ap Maelgwn
> MKA Sam Walters
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