PE - bedouin tents

david friedman ddfr at
Mon Apr 16 09:34:15 PDT 2001

>I have a question on Bedouin. Is there many versions on  a Bedouin 
>tent. This is not an area I have studied. I have had six people in 
>the last week give me a different version of a Bedouin tent each 
>time. I would like it if someone could tell me what the documentaual 
>version is. I have some one sending me pictures of the actual one 
>from today's version. But would really like reading up on it. 
>Spinning Winds Pavilions and Tents
>Cherie L. Nolan; AKA, Lady Marguerite des Fleur
>222 N. Main
>Lumberton, Tx. 77657
>home 409-899-1488
>Fax 409-751-0019
>Coastal Regional Chirurgeon
>Kingdom Deputy Seneschal at large- Membership Drive
>Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Cherie L. Nolan.vcf 2 (TEXT/ttxt) 

There is a very good book on nomad tents:

Tents: Architecture of the Nomads

The author has a Scandinavian name, but I don't remember it.

It's mostly about modern nomad tents, but has a lot of detail.

There is also a huge recent book: Felt Tents and Pavilions

It is more oriented to the history, but may be hard to find.
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